Teen Unemployment (Page 16 )

  • Teenagers in South Florida and elsewhere face tough time finding summer jobs

    July 2008 ·  Kristen Lopez Eastlick ·  South Florida Sun Sentinel

    The Independence Day fireworks have burst through the air, marking the mid-point of most Florida teens’ summer vacation. And thanks to misguided politicians, many of them have been spending these summer months in front of the TV rather than waiting tables or scooping ice cream. According to a CNN report, June employment for teenagers dropped nearly 40 percent below 2007 levels and summer hiring for teens was…
  • Minimum wage hurts teen job-seekers

    June 2008 ·  Kristen Eastlick ·  San Antonio Express-News

    Summer is here. And thanks to misguided politicians, Texas teens are more likely to be sitting in front of the TV than waiting tables or scooping ice cream. This year, it?s harder than ever for teens to find a summer job. Researchers at Northeastern University described summer 2007 as the worst in post-World War II history for teen summer employment, and those same researchers say that 2008…