Policy Briefs (See All)
New Study: Eliminating Tip Credits Will Increase Wage Gaps For Minorities
September 13, 2024•MinimumWage.com
A new study conducted by University of California-Irvine economists Dr. David Neumark and Emma Wohl examines how increasing the tipped minimum wage affects earnings gaps for restaurant workers. While anti-tip credit activists claim eliminating the current tip credit system would reduce inequities faced by women and minority workers, the study finds tipped wage hikes have…
Tracking State Wage Hike Proposals Heading into Election Season
September 6, 2024•MinimumWage.com
Many states saw proposals in the legislature or filed as ballot measures to raise wage floors and/or eliminate the tip credit this year. While many have failed due to employee and small business opposition, there are still several that have qualified to go before voters on November 5. Learn more about proposed wage hikes facing…