The Sentinel Editorial Board is correct that “there are good reasons to balk at a $15-an-hour minimum wage” (Hike minimum wage, but not to $15: Where we stand,, Wednesday).
The University of New Hampshire Survey Center conducted a survey of labor economists last year regarding their opinions on this topic and found that nearly three-quarters opposed a broad $15 mandate.
But economic evidence also concludes that a Florida minimum-wage hike of lower magnitude, which the Sentinel supports, would result in unintended consequences for the Sunshine State’s most vulnerable earners.
Economists from Miami and Trinity universities replicated the methodology used in the Congressional Budget Office‘s 2014 report and found that a $10.10 minimum wage would cost Florida 16,289 jobs. In a separate analysis, they found that the $12 minimum wage supported by Hillary Clinton would cost the state 46,357 jobs.