Letters (Page 45 )

  • Letter to the Editor

    August 2009 ·  Kristen Lopez Eastlick ·  The Current

    In the August 24th article “The health care debate rages on…” Bridget Ryder cites a figure of 46 million uninsured Americans. This oft-quoted statistic is actually a gross overestimation of the problem, as recent research suggests the number of Americans who cannot currently afford health insurance is much lower. A new study by Dr. June O’Neill, who served as Director of the Congressional Budget Office from 1995-1999,…
  • Play-Or-Pay Is Not A Game

    August 2009 ·  Kristen Lopez Eastlick ·  Washington Times

    The article “Small businesses turn against Obama health plan” (Page 1, Monday) notes that many small businesses have concerns about a mandated health care plan. However, it does not elaborate on how such a plan would hurt these enterprises. Various policymakers have devised legislation that requires employers to provide health care for employees, but their proposals fail to distinguish “small business” vs. “large company.” Many small-business employers…
  • Costs Of Health Mandate Varies By Business Size

    August 2009 ·  Kristen Lopez Eastlick ·  St. Cloud Times

    By Kristen Lopez Eastlick Employment Policies Institute The Aug. 23 news report “Small businesses are key in health debate” accurately notes many of the concerns that businesses have with the increasing number of employer mandates. Policymakers who favor a requirement that employers provide health care for employees should also recognize the traditional definitions of “small business” vs. “large company” aren’t always appropriate. Many small employers have a…
  • Businesses, Health Care

    August 2009 ·  Kristen Lopez Eastlick ·  Lakeland Ledger

    The Aug. 19 article “Don’t Bring Down Small Businesses in Process of Reforming Health Care,” notes some of the concerns that businesses have with the increasing number of employer mandates. Policy-makers who favor a requirement that employers provide health care for employees should also recognize the traditional definitions of “small business” vs. “large company” aren’t always appropriate. Many small employers have a very high profit per employee.…
  • 47 Million Uninsured? Not

    August 2009 ·  Kristen Lopez Eastlick ·  Ames Tribune

    The Aug. 20 Tribune article, “Health care reform needed,” references U.S. Rep. Tom Latham, R-Iowa, citing a figure of 47 million uninsured Americans. This oft-quoted statistic is actually a gross overestimation of the problem, as recent research suggests the number of Americans who cannot currently afford health insurance is much lower. A new study by June O’Neill, who served as director of the Congressional Budget Office from…
  • Estimate Of Uninsured Americans Is Way Overblown

    August 2009 ·  Asheville Citizen Times ·  Kristen Lopez Eastlick

    In response to the letter “Still has a question for Shuler about health care,” (AC-T, Aug. 21), the oft-quoted statistic of 47 million uninsured is actually a gross overestimation of the problem, as recent research suggests the number of Americans who cannot currently afford health insurance is much lower. A new study by Dr. June O’Neill, who served as Director of the Congressional Budget Office from 1995-1999,…