Oped Archive (Page 12 )

  • Minimum wage hikes a poor way of lifting people out of poverty

    July 2018 ·  Michael Saltsman ·  The OC Register

    When is a mandated pay raise not a real raise? Employees in 18 states and localities (including ten in California) are about to find out as local minimum wages increased on July 1st. The purpose of this policy is to raise wages for less-advantaged employees at the bottom of the pay scale. But new research suggests an opposite effect; a higher minimum wage has done little to…
  • Beware fallout from mandated paid sick leave

    July 2018 ·  Michael Saltsman ·  San Antonio Express News

    Are labor unions trying to turn San Antonio into San Francisco? A coalition calling itself Working Texans for Paid Sick Time has collected signatures for a ballot measure that would require all San Antonio businesses to offer paid sick leave — a workplace mandate that first took root in California’s famously liberal “City by the Bay.” The coalition’s folksy name belies big-dollar backers like the Texas Organizing Project, which…
  • Here’s a Tip: Waiters and Bartenders Like How They’re Paid

    June 2018 ·  Michael Saltsman ·  Wall Street Journal

    The District of Columbia is one of the most liberal places in the country. But its elected officials—all Democrats or left-of-center independents—have lined up against a ballot measure that would raise the base wage for workers who rely on tips by 200%. Mayor Muriel Bowser, D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson and most members of the council are opposed to the measure, known as Initiative 77. Even Attorney…
  • Let servers keep their tips

    May 2018 ·  Michael Saltsman ·  The Detroit News

    Detroit’s burgeoning restaurant scene has been the subject of national attention. But a proposed ballot measure to raise the base for restaurant servers by more than 200 percent threatens to halt to the restaurant industry’s growth in Detroit and beyond. Start with some background: Michigan’s minimum wage was raised to $9.25 in four steps starting in 2015, as part of a bipartisan deal between Republicans and Democrats…
  • Time to find that summer job? Think again

    May 2018 ·  Michael Saltsman; Samantha Summers ·  My Central Jersey

    School’s almost out, and the only thing hotter than the weather is parents’ desire to get their teens out of the house and into the summer workforce. This summer, that’ll be easier than usual; the teen unemployment rate has dipped below 13 percent — a level not seen since the Clinton years. But it’s not all good news. Despite the low youth unemployment rate, the number of…
  • Cuomo’s about to crush New York restaurants

    April 2018 ·  Michael Saltsman ·  New York Post

    It’s déjà vu all over again. Less than four years after Gov. Andrew Cuomo convened a wage board to study tipped-employee pay, the Labor Department will hold a series of hearings to decide whether New York should follow seven other states and eliminate the tipping system entirely. The first hearing, on Friday at SUNY-Farmingdale, will pit service-industry staff who value their tip income against labor advocates who prefer all…