Oped Archive (Page 5 )

  • Letter: Reject proposal to boost minimum wage

    March 2023 ·  Rebekah Paxton ·  Albany Times-Union

    New York Assembly and Senate lawmakers claim workers need immediate relief from inflation yet their new budget plans open the door for bills that could hurt the people they’re supposed to help. The article “Senate plan would boost wages,” March 15, notes that Sen. Jessica Ramos from Queens and Assemblywoman Latoya Joyner in the Bronx back legislation that would make New York the first state to reach…
  • Letter: Job Killing Raises

    March 2023 ·  Rebekah Paxton ·  New York Daily News

    Arlington, Va.: In his March 19 op-ed, “N.Y.ers deserve a real raise,” state Sen. John Liu ignores the price tag of $21.25 hourly minimum wage. It would cost thousands of employees their jobs. The New York minimum wage has more than doubled the rate of inflation over the last two decades. This proposal would not only place New York in uncharted territory as the country’s highest state…
  • The Big Labor propaganda centers at UCLA and UC Berkeley

    February 2023 ·  Michael Saltsman ·  Orange County Register

    The Universities of California at Berkeley and Los Angeles are crown jewels of the state’s academic system. For California labor unions, these schools are equally important — but for reasons that have less to do with academic rigor and more to do with ideology. Meet the Labor Centers of UCLA and UC Berkeley. Funded through a combination of taxpayer dollars and labor union largesse, and with advisory…
  • California Takes the FAST Union Track to Europe

    October 2022 ·  Michael Saltsman and Michael J. Lotito ·  Wall Street Journal

    U.S. labor leaders now want government to impose industrywide collective bargaining. Twenty-first century American labor relations are starting to look like they belong in 20th-century Europe. Labor leaders, including Service Employees International Union President Mary Kay Henry, are endorsing sectoral bargaining, a type of collective bargaining that imposes standards across industries—rather than company by company—for workplace conditions, benefits and wages. Ms. Henry calls sectoral bargaining the “standard practice”…
  • Flat-wage, no-tipping experiments flop at city restaurants

    August 2022 ·  Rebekah Paxton ·  Crain's New York Business

    Effective July 1, David Chang’s Momofuku Ko reversed an experiment to eliminate tipping to maintain menu prices and “increase total [employee] compensation.” What changed? Management found the flat-wage system caused a “complete turnover” of service staff. New York legislators facing calls to pursue a similar policy statewide should take note. Chang’s restaurant isn’t the first to learn this lesson the hard way. After Danny Meyer’s Union Square…
  • Economists agree $15-an-hour would harm America’s economy

    May 2022 ·  Lloyd Corder ·  Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

    From worker shortages to historic inflation, Americans are concerned about the economy. While there are many disputes about what the right solution should be, economists agree about one thing: A $15 federal wage is not the answer. In fact, it could make matters worse. To get a better understanding of the current consensus, my team conducted a survey of 160 leading American economists to find out if…