“Fight for $15” Critics Scoop Up Web Domain Fightfor15.com

Website will showcase real-world consequences of dramatic minimum wage mandates
  • Publication Date: January 2017

Washington D.C. – Today the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) announced that it has acquired the domain Fightfor15.com and is using the site to highlight the consequences of dramatic minimum wage increases.

Visit Fightfor15.com here.

The site showcases “The Victims of a $15 Minimum Wage” and highlights the economic consensus, which includes many left-of-center economists, that a $15 minimum wage reduces job opportunities for the least experienced jobseekers. The site also reveals the real-world consequences of dramatic minimum wage mandates currently developing across the country. EPI has been chronicling these stories at its sister site Facesof15.com.

Also included on Fightfor15.com are EPI’s recently released mini-documentaries featuring a small sample of victim stories.  These include an apparel company leaving California for Nevada; a top-100 restaurant in San Francisco forced to close down; a bookstore outside of Sacramento that shuttered after 20+ years in business; a childcare provider in Oakland who had to cut long-time staff members; and a diner in New York that closed after 40 years in business. These are the neglected stories of employees who have lost their income.

“People looking for information on the Fight for $15 should know that it’s a fight against economic common sense,” said Michael Saltsman, research director at the Employment Policies Institute. “Fightfor15.comwill showcase the real victims of this union-backed campaign.”

For more information, visit EPIOnline.org. To schedule an interview, contact Jordan Bruneau at (202) 463-7650 or bruneau@epionline.org.

The Employment Policies Institute is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to studying public policy issues surrounding employment growth. In particular, EPI focuses on issues that affect entry-level employment. EPI receives support from restaurants, foundations, and individuals.
