EPI Applauds Withdrawal of Tip Credit Elimination Bill in Montgomery County
January 2024
Arlington, Va – On January 16, Montgomery County Council member Will Jawando announced he would withdraw his bill to eliminate the tip credit countywide. The Employment Policies Institute applauds this decision, due to its potential to harm Montgomery County’s restaurant employees’ jobs and livelihoods. In response, EPI’s director of research Rebekah Paxton released the following statement: “Employees across Maryland, including last fall in Montgomery County, turned out in droves to… -
CBO Report Finds $17 Minimum Wage Could Cost 1.4 Million Jobs: Nonpartisan Analysis Says Sanders’ Bill Would Hurt Poorest Families
December 2023
Arlington, VA – Today, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report detailing the economic impacts of a $17 federal minimum wage. Earlier this year, Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced S. 2488 proposing a $17 minimum wage by 2029 with full tip credit elimination. The CBO’s report details the tradeoffs and negative consequences this legislation would have on American employees. The Employment Policies Institute’s research director Rebekah Paxton… -
New Report Exposes Flaws in One Fair Wage’s Alternative Food Handler Training: Former New York City Food Safety Director Finds Training “Misleading” and “Inaccurate”
November 2023
Arlington, Va. – Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a new report revealing the poor quality of the Just.Safe.Food food handler training presented by advocacy group One Fair Wage. The report’s findings are based on an expert analysis by Beth Torin, former Executive Director of the New York City Department of Health Office of Food Safety under Mayor Bill de Blasio. Ms. Torin determined that a draft version of the One… -
DC Restaurants Lost Hundreds of Jobs Since Initiative 82 Began: Tip Credit Elimination Isn’t What Tipped Workers Signed Up For
November 2023
Arlington, Va. – Wednesday, November 8, marks the one year anniversary of Initiative 82, a measure that has changed the District of Columbia’s dining scene for the worse. Initiative 82, passed on the ballot by voters in 2022, was implemented earlier this year to begin eliminating the District of Columbia’s tip credit. The new law will more than triple the minimum wage for tipped restaurant employees by… -
Minimum Wage Ballot Proposal Would Kill 44,000 Michigan Jobs: Economists Say This Wage Hike Could Cost Over $48M In Employee Earnings
October 2023
Arlington, Va. – The Employment Policies Institute (EPI) issued a statement urging caution on a new certified ballot measure to increase Michigan’s minimum wage to $15 per hour and eliminate the state’s tip credit. If approved on the ballot in November 2024, this measure would increase the state’s current tipped minimum wage by nearly 300 percent and bring harmful consequences to the state that are already playing… -
Employment Policies Institute Warns Against Tip Credit Elimination Proposals in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties
October 2023
Arlington, Va – This month, two counties in Maryland will consider measures to eliminate the tip credit for bar and restaurant workers. On Thursday, Prince George’s County Council (Oct. 12) will hold a public hearing on a proposed measure to eliminate the tip credit. Next week (Tues. Oct. 17), Montgomery County will do the same. The Employment Policies Institute (EPI) urges both Councils to listen to the…