Study Finds Eliminating State Tip Credits Could Cost 800k Jobs, $2.2B in Earnings: Average Tipped Worker Families Could Lose Nearly $1,300 in Annual Income
November 2022
Arlington, VA (November 3, 2022) – Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a new analysis by economists from Miami and Trinity Universities estimating the consequences of eliminating the separate minimum wage for tipped employees. The study results speak directly to current efforts to eliminate state and local tipped wages through various legislation and ballot measures. The tipped wage enjoys wide support from tipped workers, who are… -
Study Showing Tipped Minimum Wage Trends Serves as Cautionary Tale for Lawmakers : Study from University of California-Irvine Economists shows a higher tipped minimum wage is “never associated” with reducing poverty among restaurant workers
August 2022
Washington, D.C. – (August 15, 2022) Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a new study by University of California-Irvine economists David Neumark and Maysen Yen that follows state tipped minimum wage hike trends over the last decade. The study comes as organizations such as One Fair Wage continue to push restaurants and lawmakers to end the use of tip credits, and instead push for a flat… -
California State Data Show FAST Recovery Act Unfairly Targets Fast-Food Restaurants: California fast-food restaurants experience fewer wage claims compared to other industries
August 2022
Washington, D.C. – (August 2, 2022) Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a groundbreaking new study analyzing nearly a decade of California Department of Industrial Relations data on alleged labor law violations. The dataset encompasses wage claims filed with the DIR, and more than 7,600 lawsuit outcomes under the state’s Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA). These data show conclusively that fast food restaurants have far fewer wage… -
New Survey: 62 Percent of Economists Oppose $15 Federal Minimum Wage: Three-fourths believe ending federal tip credit will slash tipped restaurant jobs
April 2022
WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 28, 2022) — Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a new survey reflecting labor economists’ views of a federal $15 minimum wage conducted by Dr. Lloyd Corder of CorCom, Inc., Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Pittsburgh. The online survey was completed by 160 US economists in February 2022. Responding economists specialized primarily in labor (69%), and a majority of economists (63%) had… -
More than 80 Jurisdictions Raising Wages in 2022, But Activists Want More: California Activists Float $18-Per-Hour Despite Demonstrated Job Loss Caused by Wage Hikes
December 2021
Washington, D.C. (Dec. 22, 2021) – Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released its annual comprehensive guide to state and local minimum wage increases for the coming year. The chart shows 84 jurisdictions will raise their minimum wages in 2022, including 25 states, 58 cities and counties, and Puerto Rico. View the full list here. According to data collected by EPI, some of the highest state wages will be… -
Full-Page Ad Thanks West Virginia Senators for Standing with Tipped Workers: Senators Capito, Manchin opposed legislation that would eliminate the federal tip credit
April 2021
Washington D.C. (April 30, 2021) — Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) placed a full-page ad in the Dominion Post and Charleston Gazette Mail thanking West Virginia Senators Shelley Moore Capito and Joe Manchin for standing with West Virginia tipped workers and opposing legislation that would eliminate the federal tip credit. Senator Joe Manchin, a key senate vote, was crucial in these conversations. The ad features quotes from West Virginia restaurant workers…